Tuesday, 29 October 2024

College Assembly 30/11/2024

 30/10/2024 (Wednesday)


The first year M.Ed  students conducted assembly on 30/10/2024 with a prayer.Later after the Pledge, the news was read by Renuka and then the thought for the day was presented by Anjuprasad by quoting  the word of Shiv Kera "Your  positive action combined with positive thinking results in success" . Later  Hima had addressed the gathering,  followed by honoring the achievements of the week. The prize distribution was done by Sunil sir and Seema ma'am. After the national anthem the assembly was dispersed.

Monday, 28 October 2024

29/10/2024 Thought for the Day

 The first year BEd social science students conducted the thought for the day on 29/10/24(Tuesday) on the topic "Aarogyam Ayurvedathilude".The programme was presented by Neethu, Nimisha and Niranjana.The program started at 9.30 AM and ended by 9:50AM.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Thought for the Day 28/10/2024


Today 28, october 2024, Monday Physical science optional conducted thought for the day on the topic "Need of Emotional Intelligence In Life".   It 
 was presented by 
Anagha V, Sruthy S, and Hrisheekesan T. The Programme started at 9.35 and ended by 9.50 itself.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Thought for the Day 22/10/202422/10/2024

 22.10.2024 (Tuesday)

Thought for the day- Importance of setting goa

First year B.Ed Mathematics students conducted the thought for the day on the topic "Importance of setting goals”. The programme was presented by Anjitha,Sneha and Arya Lakshmi Rajan. Programme started at 9:30 AM and ended by 9:50 AM

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Assembly 16/10/2024

 16/10/2024 (Wednesday)

The first year B.Ed English students conducted assembly on 16/10/2024 and topic of thought for the day is World Food Day. Presented by Amrutha M, Aparna and Akshara. The assembly started at 9.30 am and ended by 9.50 am

Monday, 14 October 2024

Thought for the Day 15/10/2024


The first year BEd social science students conducted the thought for the day on 15/10/24(Tuesday) on the topic "In memory of APJ".The programme was presented by Nayana, Meera and Midhu Krishna. The program started at 9.30 AM and ended by 10AM

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Thought for the Day 14/10/2024

 Today 14 october 2024, Monday Physical science optional conducted thought for the day on the topic "THE ART OF LISTENING ". It is presented by 

Niveditha varma , Sreelakshmi M P and Preyas prabhakaran. The Program starts at 9.33 and completed by 9.55 itself.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Thought for the Day 10/10/2024

 Today 10 october 2024 , Thursday Natural science optional conducted thought for the day on the topic "Making every moment count".     

Naseeha, Libi and Nimisha ensure their participation very actively. Program starts at 9.35 and completed by 9.55 itself.

Thought for the day 11/03/25

First year B.Ed English students conducted the thought of the day on 10/03/2025(Thursday). The programme was presented by Aksha...